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Friday, 23 September 2011

Peter's story

Beside the sea of Galilee
My Jesus walks with me
He shows me what my life should be
And The spirit sets me free

He's promised never to leave me
But be my constant guide
To comfort me in times of trouble
And to celebrate in His victory

I walked with him for three whole years
And saw amazing things
Miracles and teaching
That totally blew my mind

Then suddenly he changed his tune
And talked about His death
No Lord I said that cant be true
If  not I will stand always true to you

One night we went to the Passover feast
And he said the strangest thing
This is may body which is broken for you
Eat of it and you will live

Some one will deny me Three time
Before the cockerel crows
I would never do such thing
Oh lord it cant be me

The night kept getting darker
And He led us out to pray
We tried to stay awake and pray
But our flesh was weak from sorrow

Then Judas came with a mass of troops
And kissed my masters face
Then fear at last took a total hold
And all of us disciples fled

I followed at a distance
To the place they took him to
I huddled by the fire for warmth
And my heart was cold as cold

Then my deepest dread came true
And the people questioned me
You are his friend  you walked with him
No No you are so wrong

Three times I stood to deny my Lord
And then the cockerel crowd
And suddenly Jesus’ words came back
And sadness pierced my heart

They took him away and beat up
Mocked him and put him on trial
We all were watching in the crowd
When they cried out to have him die

The lonely walk to the hill of death
Was the longest I'd ever watched
My heart was filled with grief and pain
But Mary Jesus mother who can feel the grip of pain
That must have been there that day

They nailed him to a cross of shame
And he hug there all alone
The people jeered and called him King
But all he said was "father forgive"

The world turned black as the Saviour died
And  peoples hearts were filled with fear

We buried him in a strangers tomb
And left to share and grieve and pray
Three days he lay there and so we thought
This was the end that death had won

But as His mum went to the tomb
She met a man who said do not fear
He's not here for he has risen
Now tell the good news to all his friends

We were gathered in a tiny room
The doors were locked and we were in fear
Then all of a sudden Jesus was there
Showing us all his hands, his feet
And finally Thomas believed

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